Sunday, May 27, 2007

Bob Kriner

We've been praying for Bob Kriner at Mass lately. I heard third hand that he is very ill with cancer. Have you heard anything from Soupy?


The Grands said...

Amazing, I saw Sally after Mass at O'Malias. She gave me the story on Bob. Doesn't look good. I'll try to relate his problems since the first of the year sometime on the phone. I did also find out that Scott has been living in Indpls for two years. Did you know that?

Terry Bleizeffer said...

No, I didn't know anything about it. Unsurprising, since I don't have much interaction with the old crew. Coincidentally, I did send Soupy an email a couple days ago (I found a poem he wrote in HS when I was cleaning the garage), but other than that I don't think we've exchanged an email in a year. And it's been more than a decade since I've communicated with Scott.