Saturday, November 05, 2005

DJ White injured?! And the hits just keep on coming...

So it's November 5th, and the basketball team has already lost two starters to injuries for about 6 weeks. Are we cursed? Cripes!

Yes, I think Ratliff is a starter. Strickland is a senior and deserves a chance to see what he can do at off-guard to start the season, but IMO it's inevitable that eventually he'll get replaced by Ratliff, who is a better shooter, better defender, better athlete, etc. And I think Ratliff probably improved more from his freshman season than Strickland did from his junior season.

White's injury will give more time to Allen and Dinc, so in the end it might help the team. I continue to hear how impressive Allen is is practice, so throwing him into the fire quickly may really pay off for the end of the season. Kline will obviously get more minutes as well, and he's supposedly much improved, but as a senior obviously I'm less concerned about his long-term development.

Still, it's really too bad that we won't be at full strength for the Duke game. Bummer.


The Grands said...

Daddy wants to write his own blog message but we only know how to comment. How do we start a new message?

Terry Bleizeffer said...

Go to the Dashboard here ->

After logging in (if it doesn't log you in automatically), you should see the blog listed, then a column that says "New Post". Click the plus symbol and it takes you to the page where you can make a new post.